Friday, July 31, 2009

Invoking Innovation: Intellectual property Rights event Planned: Seeking your suggestions

These are days of innovations. Innovators are ruling business; driving economy and prospering companies. Be it Google’s search algorithm or Guruji’s propriety search system or even Zimblee’s a patent pending self-service digital advertising platform are all but examples of productive innovations at work.
As such it has become imperative for engineering college to prepare its students for innovative world. However a sustainable innovative world demands a system for protection of innovator’s invention. Such a system of protection is generally known as Intellectual property Rights or IPR. SDMCET has set up a IPR Cell to help educate its stakeholder on issues of IPR.
IPR Event Planned for 05-09-2009
IPR Cell @ SDM has planned an IPR event on 5th Sepetmber, 2009 and the focus of the event is students. We have tentatively planned the following sessions.
  • Session on Basic IPR
  • Session on student research and how it benefits students in their career and personal growth
  • Session on importance and use of patent literature
  • Inviting students to submit their inventive ideas and screen the same and select say 5-8 good ideas prior to the event. Resource persons could present their quick view on best form of protection and further steps needed to commercialize the same.
  • A student presentation giving their perspective on conducting research and the inventing process could also be included.
  • (Tentative) a session on invention related to teaching may be included. An example may be US3,382,592 “Apparatus and method for teaching handwriting to children”.
  • A panel on a relevant topic

Seeking Your Inputs:

In this regard, we request you all to send your comments, suggestions. Your experience in industry may help us fine tune this


Sandeep said...

Its wonderful sir .. I certainly appreciate this initiative and should say it has come at a right time .. Its sort of a dream to an Engg student to come up with his own idea and be encouraged to get a patent on it ..
I presume this is wat you are encouraging students to do by this initiative .. I think this can be made extremely creative and the students can be given a chance to express themselves .. I dont know for how long this
program is going to stay but I would recommend this should be year-long initiative .. Just like a placement cell , this cell should be open for students at any time where they can just come and throw up their ideas
and people who guide them give them the very direction the student wants ... I would also say that this initiative should rather be considered as a project and a full time support should be given to a particular student
(If possible) if he thinks he can go places with that particular idea ..A numerous initiatives have been taken all over the country to achieve almost the same objective .. Though most of them are related to start-ups and
Entrepreneurship , I particularly think they can be metioned here ..

sachin uthappa said...

sachin saboji the hunk !!!

uni uni, tu janta nahi re uni ko.